Coffee is running out! Say whaaaaat?


In the Netherlands we drink quite a few cups of coffee each day: 3.7 cups per person per day on average. That makes us one of the top three coffee users in the world. Whereas the demand for coffee is increasing, the production of coffee is threatened by climate change. Solidaridad warns coffee lovers. Crops fail because of temperature rises, diseases, drought and soil erosion, which is caused by torrential rains – coffee plants are very susceptible to weather conditions. The results of climate change are an everyday reality for an increasing number of coffee farmers. The consequences? In 2050, the land suitable for farming coffee will be halved and in turn the prices will rise dramatically.

Therefore, Solidaridad is aiming to make the coffee chain more sustainable. From the farmer’s beans to the coffee in your cup. Last December they opened a pop-up coffee bar, without coffee! This showed the potential consequences of the way we consume coffee. You can order breakfast and lunch, and there’s Wi-Fi for those looking for a place to work. As an ode to coffee, everything is available in a coffee cup: from fresh juice and soup to grilled cheese sandwiches, coffee rolls and yoghurt. For those who desperately need a proper boost in the morning there is a special ‘Coffee Kick Booth’. There is also the option to buy the special World Without Coffee Kit, which prepares you for a world without coffee. Are you prepared?

Act now and choose for climate-friendly produced coffee.

Visit: A world without coffee.
